Friday, August 28, 2009


We have a crawler! Today at almost 11 months Ruby officially crawled. We are staying at Claire and Jims in Brunswick and she has been escaping out the back door, getting into the remote controls and chewing on Maya's shoes. She is up and away - no stopping her now. Maisey had a great day traveling to Melbourne, stopping in at Oma's and being delighted by the mini hot water bottles that Claire had laid out for Ruby and Maya complete with tiny covers.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beautiful Ruby

Ruby is fast approcahing 10 months and is a happy, laid back soul. Ruby claps, screeches, says dadda, mumma, ba for the bath and te te when she sees her teddy. Loves her Teddy that Maya named Tessa and has not yet been known to reject any food offered to her. Ruby will be crawling any day now, she is almost there and getting a little frustrated with it, won't be long. Six teeth have poked their way through. We love our Ruby girl.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rainy Days

Its hard to find things to do when we are stuck inside some things Maya likes to do on these cold rainy days are cooking, drawing, making crafty things with mum and play dough!

Maya's new hair cut

Maya's hair seems to grow like crazey and so it was time for a trip to the haridresser for a new do. Maya informed me that she wanted her hair cut short like her friend Taya, into a bob. I tried to talk her out of it - I love her long hair but she was adamant. She wanted it like Taya and like Grandma Helen. So the lovely Judy did the deed and we now have a short haired beautiful girl! Maya loves it and so do we, she is gorgeous.